
Die Pikkewyne-klas is vir kleuters 2½- tot 3-jaar oud. Die klas het 22 kabouters een onderwyseres en een voltydse assistent, met nog 'n halfdag- assistent.
The Pikkewyne class is for children from 2 and a half to 3 years old. The class has 22 children with 1 teacher and 1 assistant. They also have an extra assistant during the morning.

Klasonderwyseres 2025 - Justine Nolan
Justine het in Stellenbosch groot geword waar sy by Lückhoff Hoër matrikuleer het. Sy het by Boland Kollege studeer en is vanaf 2011 deel van die Kabouterland span. Justine is getroud en het twee dogtertjies.
Sy geniet dit om met kinders te werk en geniet veral die sê-goed waarmee hulle vorendag kom. Haar passie is om kinders gelukkig te hou en hulle op 'n interessante manier te stimuleer dat hulle dit geniet om elke dag skool toe te kom. Sy wil graag ons kabouters net soos haar eie kinders versorg.
Justine geniet dit om te lees of om te ontspan met 'n fliek.
“To teach is to touch lives forever"
Teacher 2025 - Justine Nolan
Justine grew up in Stellenbosch and matriculated at Lückhoff High School. She studied through Boland College and has been a part of Kabouterland since 2011. Justine is married and have 2 beautiful daughters.
She loves working with the children and especially enjoys the funny thing they say. Her passion is to make children happy and to think of fun ways to keep them stimulated and interested in class activities. Justine takes care of the children like they are her own.
She likes to relax with a good book or to go to the movies in her free time.
“To teach is to touch lives forever”
