Nasorg / Aftercare

Nasorg word vir kleuters van graad R tot en met graad 3 aangebied. Die kinders word middae by die skool gehaal. Ons sal toesien dat skoolgaande kinders se huiswerk gekontroleer word. Verder speel ons lekker saam en het groot pret tydens skoolvakansies.

Aftercare is offered for children from Grade R to Grade 3. The children are picked up at school in the afternoons. We will ensure that the school-going children’s homework is checked. We also have fun playing together and have great fun during school holidays.

Alta Swart

Graad 1 & Ouer Hoof

Head of Grade 1 & Older

Lamees Bey

Graad R & Graad RR Hoof

Head of Grade R Aftercare



Lamees Bey

Ander Personeellede / Other Personnel



Busbestuurder / Assistent

Reon Smith
