Ex/Incursions ~ Uit/Instappies

Excursions usually provide great fun. Unfortunately, for the time being, because of Covid-19, the outings stopped. However, this does not mean that our kabouters miss out on special learning opportunities, because a kabouter always makes a plan!
Nowadays we arrange incursions at the school where people like the Fire Brigade, Emergency Services, Police, Traffic Department, Giraffe House, etc. come visit us. The incursions are arranged as far as possible on sunny days, so that the children can sit outside when the people arrive (for fresh air and ventilation purposes).

Uitstappies sorg gewoonlik vir groot pret.  Ongelukkig het ons vir eers, a.g.v. Covid-19, die uitstappies gestaak.  Dit beteken egter nie dat ons kabouters enigsins spesiale leergeleenthede nie, want ‘n Kabouterlander maak altyd ‘n plan! 

Deesdae reël ons instappies by die skool waar mense soos die Brandweer, Nooddienste, Polisie, Verkeersdepartement, Giraffe House, ens. by ons kom kuier.  Die instappies word sover moontlik gereël op sonskyn dae, sodat die kinders buite kan sit wanneer die mense kom (vir vars lug en ventilasie doeleindes).